Embracing your sensitive nature

How I grew into the fullness of my sensitive nature.

Before I became aware of how receptive and sensitive I am, I had a hard time understanding and pinpointing what I now embrace as one of my greatest gifts.

I had a moment at my son’s basketball tournament this weekend where I felt energy overload. Parents yelling in the stands, whistles blowing on multiple courts. Smells of concessions, cries of babies. It was so much for my system. Some thrive on the fullness of this kind of space, others not even aware of their being “in it” and the impact.

But me? My body was pulsating. My ears ringing, head throbbing. Body felt so heavy, and like it had been exfoliated harshly with a big sheet of sandpaper. Oooof! Get me out of here ASAP.

Not all games and events feel this way to me, it was just the unique mix of elements/people in the space, but I was not prepared. First thing, 9am on Saturday & Sunday, it felt like I was in an energetic boxing arena. Oftentimes I feel this way in large crowds of a melting pot of people, at airports or even standing in a long line at a small Starbucks where more than one person is anxious to receive their order.

Instagrams: Model @dariia.laska photographer @igordream welcom

The saying: “Your energy introduces you before you do” is true.

We are energy. Energy never dies, it does change form. Everything in your environment is energy, the wood, brick, stone, plastic, etc. are all composed of energy. Nothing is exempt from having and being in an energetic field. THE energetic field we are all in. When you or another being passes from a lived experience, their energy transposes.

Do you protect and honor what you feel energetically? How do you nurture yourself on an energetic level? Do you acknowledge how intuitive and connected you are to currency?

The more awake I become on my spiritual path and own my intuitive gifts, while helping others heal and grow into their own, the more connected I feel towards the gift of my sensitivity. The more naps I require, the more meditation & quiet downtime I need, deep subconscious cleansing & clearing I seek.

I embrace and honor my sensitive nature by allowing:

  • Restoration time post high energy events – First, I have a shower (water is cleansing) then take a nap, a walk or eat something nourishing and grounding (root veggies and greens are incredibly grounding.)
  • Boundaries/Protection – Lets talk energetic armor. Saying no to certain places, event and people when you have a nudge that it won’t be best for you or if you are simply tired. It’s okay to say no! I also like to use crystals as metaphysical protection: black tourmaline and obsidian, pyrite, clear quartz and amethyst are some of my favs.
  • Alone time – I spend time alone, but I am not lonely. Quiet space allows for recalibration. Releasing the pressure valve of needing to be a certain way, talk, converse, entertain and engage. Time to be empty.
  • Healing & deep connection – Of course this goes without saying but perhaps is the most important part. We have to move our own energy in order to become free of others and old stagnant currency inside of our own bodies. Embodiment practices, sound healing, hypnosis therapy, mantra, sensual space to connect with myself and body, meditation, movement, time in nature daily are my go to’s. Discover yours.

If you’re wondering why sometimes you “feel off” and can’t explain it… check your energy  or check the energy you’re carrying. Are you attuned to your intuitive, sensitive nature? Do you need to go a little deeper in how you’re caring for all your magnificent parts?

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