What are you doing for you?

Some of you only know me as a Hair Stylist while others of you know me as your yoga teacher and then there’s a few of you who’ve known me for a lonnnng time (shoutout to my lifetime mates from school!) Annnnd then there’s my newest friends, spirit seekers and soul sisters — however we know each other, please know I love you to the moon!


📣 Reminder to offer regular Self Care!

Whether you are working hard on your business during a pandemic, caring for loyal clients, maybe in a new relationship (or fresh out of one), parenting children whom are adjusting to learning virtually this year (or maybe they’re masked & restricted at school– it’s a lot to process either way!) Caring for yourself, or even just trying to make sure you drink enough water, eat good foods and get some intentional movement in – whew! it’s a lot, and we all can relate.


Wherever you are in life, whatever stage you are in, whatever the heck is happening in your own personal orbit, time for YOU is so important. This can be finally getting your hair done (ahem!) a sweaty workout or yoga session (with your favorite virtual yogis of course!) and yes, even an afternoon without the kids. Whatever ‘taking a moment’ looks like for you, do it. Take the moment. Take two. And three. Take a walk, take a hike. Carve out time in your robust weekly schedule for you. 


Caring for yourself keeps you going. This is how we sustain our mission, our vision, our health, our ability to produce, to love deeply and unabridged, forgive fully, offer compassion, and breathe deeper. Realize your worth and life is *so valuable* and deserves time to rejuvenate and recalibrate. This sets you up to vibe higher, feel good and share all of that amazing energy with others. Harbor absolutely no guilt around taking time for your own restoration, the world will be a better place with the best you in it.

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