Reclamation & Regeneration, the Importance for our Lifetime and beyond

Having been deep in the travels of my own reclamation I see some common threads of what we all experience and the bigger picture of our collective consciousness. Why does this matter for us in our lives right now? What are we reclaiming? What are we regenerating? What are the qualities of regeneration? Google defines the adjective “regenerate” as ‘reformed or reborn, especially in a spiritual or moral sense.’ Reclamation is the process of claiming something back. The process. Land reclamation is the cultivation of waste land or land formerly under water. I find this definition to be quite interesting and relevant to what reclamation can mean in a person’s life: the process of cultivating something that was once underwater/buried. That’s kind of what happens to us here, right? We are born completely innocent and without any clouding of our essence and connection to the divine and quickly we become conditioned to be a certain way, to disconnect from our hearts and live by the mind, out of bodies and into the judgements and expectations that society places upon us. We become restricted by jobs, money and status. We perform and achieve and continue to do do do, we forget to be, we simply aren’t allowed to be. All of this is outside of our nature, we forget that we are nature and our life has phases and stages, just like in nature. We suppress our emotions, they are named to be bad, unnecessary or inappropriate, we identify with all of the restrictions and lose connection to peace, stillness, divine guidance, our intuition, magic and essence. Sound somewhat familiar?

I see the path of reclamation as parallel with the lifelong journey of discovering, growing and unconditionally loving and becoming true to myself. It’s the journey of coming home to me. Shedding the conditioned layers of what society has told me and my ancestors, what we have to do, should be doing and how we are supposed to be. Instead, reclaiming my spirit and tuning into my deepest desires and letting them lead the way. The path to get to this high level plane is rocky and rough, icy and hot, dark and light and everything in between. Sometimes it feels like the desert, other times the most blissful forest or warmest, inviting beach. The experience of embracing all the bits, parts, patterns and pieces of me, the past, present and future and loving it all just as it is and has been is transformative. Deep forgiveness and acceptance lead the way through this portal of understanding and authentic embrace, providing me to become completely empty, and as I am unburdened to the otherside, pure, raw joy for my life is revealed. I can feel it in my bones. It’s like waking up from a numb, cloudy slumber and coming into aliveness like never before. I am warm and ready, open and free. Connected to and driven by a deep purpose. Holding myself in the highest with a loving, wide open heart. This could last forever, like a whole lifetime. 

This fanning of the flames of our own inner divine essence is essential to our happiness, our living life to the fullest, in the most easeful loving potential and capacity, being able to fully enjoy experiences. And also, we do this for our children and our ancestors. Our ancestors leave us gifts and lessons, what do we do with them? We hold and heal them. We grow into and out of the conditioned parts and patterns and we courageously take the next step on our path of reclamation as a whole, both for lineage and lifetime. Children and those younger than us, see what empowerment looks and feels like, they see us living the transformation. We pave the way for them to take part in their own reclaiming and embodiment of their own truth. 

Regeneration and reclamation isn’t always a rainbow, sometimes it’s the storm, it peaks in and out of being really hard, challenging and summoning, to ultimately rewarding, fulfilling and enlightening. We move into living a life of pleasure and choice and by reclaiming ourselves and loving ourselves in a newfound way, deep and full with so much love, acceptance and embrace, we migrate into a new level of consciousness and possibility. This possibility is what our purpose is connected to in this lifetime. Imagine the energetic healing and transformation that you go through, passing on as energy to your descendents that helps them to be healed, upon arrival, of the old-world patriarchy and living into the new dimension which is obvious and inescapable. No matter how you view how we got here and what happens when we are gone, how this whole thing started, evolution is evident. What tales of evolution will they speak of you? How will you help to contribute to the greater collective consciousness? How does your healing help others to do the same? What does your own personal rebirth look like? What do you want it to look like? 

Daily rejuvenation and reclamation can look like:

Embodiment/Somatic practices: Breathwork, EFT tapping

Healing arts: Reiki, shamanic retreats

Spiritual devotion and practices: Routines becomes rituals, reading books, diving deep into ancient wisdom and medicine, yoga

Mentorship/coaching: Get a guide! Someone who is on their own path of healing and reclamation and if offering guidance from their wisdom. Not teaching from the wound, but the healing.

Eliminating toxicity: Letting go of and or setting boundaries with low level/vibe pessimistic people

Community of like minded folks: Find your people!

Meditation: Guided body centered meditations and visualizations

Movement: Dance, exercise, walks, and runs


Self reflection/journaling: Sharing in a safe space with someone safe or voice recording for yourself


It is our responsibility to be committed to healing processes and practices, present for our evolution and reclamation. Reclaiming your spirit is perhaps one of the greatest gifts of yours and many others.


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