How to manifest all you desire using the power of today’s New Moon in Cancer

Manifest all you desire using the power of today’s New Moon in Cancer.

Today’s New Moon in Cancer (the sign of: deep feelings, truth, healing, protection, vulnerability, family) is absolutely intuitive, magnetic and powered by the potency of Venus (planet of: love, beauty, devotion, all things sweet, gifts) & Jupiter (planet of: expansion, amplification and abundance)

New Moons are symbolic of new beginnings, a new cycle. Considering this is one of the most well situated and supported moons of 2022, how will you drop into the deep felt experience and possibility of right now?

Admittedly, there is a collective heaviness. Especially in the US, after last week the overturn of Roe v Wade, there are deep, generational wounded feelings and emotions to be felt. Fully.

​Feel them all.

Let it awaken something inside that has been longing to be felt, to be answered, tended to and activate a response. I find myself pondering just about daily, how will we create unity? Separation is so strong in our current society, all over the world. But love is the higher frequency, love is the highest power, it’s stronger than the energy of separation. How can we completely return to it?

I’m reminded of the saying, “People want to change the world, but they don’t think to change themselves.”

Change starts with you.

Your return to wholeness is a personal decision, one that will transform your life. 

Radical healing is an offering you make to yourself. 

Becoming empowered and inspired to walk a summoning, courageous path of deep embodied purpose, fulfilling and meaningful service to others and collective healing is a choice you make. Every day.

I committed to this courageous path 15 years ago and have graciously been guided through the deepest, darkest places of myself, only to rise into my full light. This courageous way of living and full embrace is what I joyfully get to guide others through along their own personal path of awakening, transformation, healing and expansion.

This is the medicine.

The medicine our collective deeply needs but many are resisting taking. Imagine a child resisting medicine because it’s hard to swallow, but it brings the remedy that’s needed. Imagine that feeling of not wanting to go to the gym, get on your peloton or yoga mat, but you choose it anyway, and feel amazing after, plus you love to see the results.

The work is not easy, but it’s necessary.

The comfort of complacency is just a façade – it’s a mask that deep down you know you’re not meant to wear.

Take it off. 

Get real with yourself over this New Moon period and drop into what you truly want to see happen in your life differently. What are you calling in? Inner peace? Fulfillment? Clarity? Direction? Purpose? Passion?! ❤️‍🔥

The time is now to get in relationship with what you presently feel and what you desire feeling, having, attaining, experiencing, creating in the future. This time is now.

I want to hear what’s in your heart. I want to not just acknowledge and uplift the deepest callings of your heart but I want to feel it with you. Let’s put our collective power behind your deepest desires. Your Power is your Pleasure [FIRST NAME GOES HERE].

Blessings for your manifestations, healing & expansion. 

In light,


person holding brown wooden stick

Your New Moon Manifestation Ritual

  • Set up a sacred space for yourself (be in front of your altar, or create a mini version of one using flowers, herbs, incense, palo santo, tarot/oracle cards, pictures, crystals, meaningful momentous, metaphysical adornments) Cancer New Moon suggestion: Selenite, moonstone, rose quartz, rhodonite, jasmine, lilies, myrrh
  • Have a journal, pen and something delicious to drink (hot tea, cacao, or water with lemon, cucumber, mint or rosemary)
  • Offer a few rounds of box breathing to calm + soothe your nervous system and drop into a deeper state of awareness, clearing out all of the mental clutter from the day (inhale for 4+ counts, hold the breath for 4+ counts, exhale for 4+ counts, hold at the emptying of your exhale for 4+ counts, then inhale for 4+ counts again, the cycle continues)
  • Tune into your favorite guided manifestation (the is my favorite, this week’s featured meditation is one for manifestation) Allow at least 10 min of meditation practice, go longer if you can!
  • Journal:
    • What is it I want to experience in the next 6 months?
    • What does freedom mean to me?
    • What would life look like if I answered the deepest callings of my soul?
    • How could living in my most aligned purposeful life help create good for the collective, for the whole?
    • Am I willing to do what it takes to rise into my power, my peace? My resiliency and purpose? Or will I stay here?
    • What support do I need? What resources am I calling forward to support me on my journey? What am I available to receive to aid my greatest mission?

​Let your truth floweth. 

  • When you’re complete, tear the pages from your journal and leave them on your altar. I like to add a mantra of blessings and sprinkle with rose petals. (I follow the Priestess Path of the Rose, so this is authentic for me… use whatever flowers, herbs, natural earth elements that feel true to you.)
  • Bring your left hand over your heart and right hand over your womb/belly. Thank yourself, your spirit, Uni, God/dess, the divine eternal love for always loving and supporting you and providing what you need on your journey.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, dropping into the feeling of having your desires right now, feeling it to already be yours, trusting the arrival of your deepest desires. Becoming in relationship with your desires and callings and continuing to stay in relationship as they come to fruition. 

Your signal of being ready to receive your manifestations will be when you step up and forward into inspired, aligned action. 

We don’t chase our manifestations, we receive them and they come when we are ready to receive. 

So just sitting around and waiting, judging, resisting and wondering why they haven’t come in yet is not an effective strategy. 

The Universe responds to clarity and whole-worth habits, actions and an embodied high-worth belief system. Deciding you are worthy of your desires and doing the necessary work to return to your divine wholeness, innate wisdom and inherent worth will accelerate the receiving of your manifestations. 

Don’t skip this part, it’s the most important, perhaps we could even say it is the meaning behind manifestation work.

So much love for you and your journey. Thank you for being here. 

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