Heal through Pleasure

Heal through pleasure.

Why does pleasure matter?

Of course other than we want to have a “pleasurable life”….

Pleasure is more than simple enjoyment.

Pleasure is alchemy. It helps us heal. 

Living a life of pleasure is a big reinforcer to our worth. If there’s no pleasure, what do you make that (subconsciously) mean about you? That you’re not worthy of receiving? That pleasure is not available to you? Pleasure can be a powerful access point to fully embrace and live in your inherent worth and wholeness as you dismantle old programming that’s running the “low-worth show” without you evening knowing it.

Pleasure is the medicine for your most connected, fully embraced and loved Self. If you want to embrace every bit of you, the light and shadow, the pain, the wounds, the mistakes and failures, the longings that have never been met, lean into pleasure. When you allow yourself to receive pleasure, your whole life changes. Pleasure is the gateway into fully embracing your inherent gifts, innate talents, wisdom and power. 

Pleasure helps us all connect to a higher vibration, and when we’re in a higher vibration, we’re more connected to Spirit, Source, God/des. 

Pleasure = prosperity. 

I believe the Universe, life, the all encompassing divine source, is always guiding us back to our wholeness. That’s it. 


Look to your longings, cravings, your deepest desires. These most activated desires are a flashlight on the path for your most embodied, pleasurable state. 

Let’s go under the hood for this one…

Inquiry. What is it that you deeply want? Is it lots of money? Wealth? Freedom from a job you hate? Confidence to live in your truth and bring your passion to the forefront? Clarity in your purpose and how to make the difference you feel called to make in the world? To be held and cherished by the partner of your dreams? To feel loved fully, accepted completely?

What’s the deeper desire? What’s underneath this beautiful longing you have? 

When we peel back all of the layers of our desires, starting from the material surface plane, we will discover the ache. The ache, the wound that is begging us to heal, love, alchemize and transform …through pleasure. 

For example, if you deeply desire being in a relationship with the partner of your dreams, and you long for loving touch, connected, romantic evenings and heart opening expansive communication, an example of the deeper desire here is loving connection.

Now, let’s go another layer further, straight to the core of this desire. 

What’s deeper than loving connection? 

The pure feeling and experience of Love. Connection. Not alone. 

When you become fully aware of what you are “missing” you’re able to explore it safely and understand why this desire exists in your experience, where it came from and hows to hold and be with yourself differently. The fog starts to clear as you question any limiting thoughts and contractions you might have towards this desire such as “that kind of love is not available to me” or “I’ll always be alone” From this new awareness, you start to love, accept, forgive and rewire this old programming. Desires are powerful in this way – it will lead you straight to the source of your pain and once you get there it’s up to you to do the work to heal and transmute these old energies and beliefs. 

Self empowered action. Here’s where it gets fun. While you’re doing the deep inner transformational work, you get to change your actions on the outside. Intentional actions will not only generate more pleasure in your life, but you’ll also be reinforcing new programming and a belief system that’s based in unconditional, whole worth and deservingness. Because the truth is, you are absolutely worthy of receiving pleasure in your life. You are 100% already whole and being connected to yourself and others in this way is unquestionably available to you. 

Give yourself the deeper desire. 

Let’s stay with this same example of wanting deep connection and love from a partner. 

The next step would be to begin tapping into the kind of love you want to receive from others by giving it to yourself. Such as the touch you desire from others, give it to yourself! The loving, heart opening expansive communication, offer that with yourself. The romantic evenings out or at home, have them with yourself!

When your behavior starts to change from the inside out, you are transforming yourself, healing your soul and reclaiming power in your life. 

I’ve worked with clients who have the desires as the above example and this was one of the ways I supported them in the accountable process of discovering new ways to love and connect with themselves in a fully present way:

Lush evening. Completely unplug from your phone/all devices and either cook a delicious meal or order in your favorite food, creating a delicious date all to yourself. Read a good book, journal, listen to music, dance around, tapping into sensual expression and pleasure. Maybe painting on canvas in your lingerie or writing poetry in the nude. Take a relaxing, luxurious bath as a way to amp up the connection. Then, engaging in self pleasure practice. Fully present here, no agenda, just safe, explorative connection. Spend time with your body, become curious of your pleasure centers, caress yourself how you want to be touched, truly cherishing the exploration and connection with your body in ways you desire connection from a partner. Not rushing, instead slowing all the way down to be fully present and in the moment, while also being open to observe and receive what comes up during this deep dive of an evening to yourself.

Offering reflection from this practice once it is complete: 

  • What felt good? What is something new I learned about myself?
  • What do I adore about myself?
  • What was uncomfortable? What is my discomfort telling me?
  • What felt unsafe? Was any trauma activated? What wisdom can I receive here? 
  • Where am I blocked in receiving pleasure?
  • What new insights can I gain from this experience?

When you start changing your behavior on the outside to match the inner transformation you’re holding on the inside, your whole life changes. It takes deep awareness and loving acceptance to truly align yourself with your heart and desires as you make bold changes in your life. 

Pleasure can help you heal. Your desires can lead you directly to the places inside of you that need the most love, attention and transformation. Pleasure can help activate your life into a loving, higher vibrational experience. This is where everything changes. 

What is your desire for pleasure trying to tell you?

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